Shirtpocket Millionaire Coming Soon!
Yes my associate Brother Paul Miller and I will soon be launching what could be our most exciting product called Shirtpocket Millionaire.
Why is it called Shirtpocket Millionaire?
Today certainly desktop computers are becoming doorstops or yard sale items. I read where personal desktop computers will most likely not be even offered within 5 years!
Next on the list of extinct computers will probably clunky laptops. Today they are being replaced by Android and Apple tablets with Microsoft finally joining the fray with its new tablets. I personally use an Android 9.7″ 4.0.1 tablet.
Of course smartphones are another area we have seen and will continue to see astronomical growth and that is why we believe that a person can use these and the new Apple and Android mini-tablets to run their entire business out of their shirtpocket! Therefore Shirtpocket Millionaire!
Currently I use the Apple I-touch and find I am using it more that the Android tablet. In fact I am doing this blog post on the I-touch.
Brother Paul and I want to help at least 1,000,000 Americans become Shirtpocket Millionaires! Do you realize what could happen to the US economy with 1,000,000 new millionaires? That is ONE TRILLION DOLLARS added to the economic wealth of the world and hopefully mostly to USA economy!
So stay tuned to how YOU can get this NO COST Shirtpocket Millionaire e-course of e-reports and ebooks!
Hugh Simpson
It’s a good post.
Great article is there any chance I can take it and copy it onto my own blog
Sure I want to promote http:// in as many places as possible:-)